Captain’s Tour of the Bridge

Yesterday afternoon we met our suite concierge and about two dozen other guests to tour the ship’s bridge.  First, we formed two lines for security checks with wands.  Then we were led down a hallway through a crew-only area to reach the inner sanctum.  Here’s a look from one wing towards the other. The captain’s quarters are directly behind the central area, so he can be there immediately in an emergency.  Alas, I failed to get a photo of Captain Tony, but he was very personable.

The captain led us over to a command center in the portside wing, and showed us the glass floor.  It allows him to see the side of the ship as he’s docking.  Someone asked if he’d had to rescue many people, and he said yes, many people and a few smaller boats in distress.  He added that when passengers “fall” overboard, “Alcohol is always involved,” adding that it’s impossible to just fall overboard.

He also described the various features of the command center monitors, most of which went over my head.  I did find it interesting to see the map showing our position relative to the coast of Portugal.

Here’s the view in front of the ship. 

This morning we took our last morning walk around decks four and five (indoors, due to the wind), which were largely empty.  Here’s an interior shot.

It’s our last full day on the ship, and Captain Tony has warned of rough seas starting about noon today. Here’s where our ship is this morning as we head towards Southampton.


  1. Wow - I would love this tour! So cool to see behind the scenes.


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