En Route to Funchal

In case you’re wondering, Funchal is the port for Madeira, a Portuguese city on an island off the northwest coast of Africa.  So we’re not yet to the Canary Islands. Here’s the map from our cabin TV.

We sat on our balcony for Happy Hour yesterday, as the ship left La Coruña, and I took this photo of the Castle of Santo Antón.  

Of course, I had to find out about it.  Built in the 1500s, the castle was able to fend off the British Navy in 1589 and served as a prison from the 1700s until 1960. Now it’s a museum.

We met an interesting couple from Savannah in the suites lounge before dinner.  They have a daughter in Houston, so of course we compared notes.  The conversation went well until the husband said something negative about Biden, trying to blame him for Texas’s power grid problems. Never fear, I corrected him. 

We again had dinner in Coastal Kitchen. I think we’ve tried the entire menu (which changes nightly) over the past month!  We both had wedge salads, then I had Moroccan-spiced chicken breast and Charlie the roasted cod with fingerling potatoes and spinach. 

This morning we walked on the top deck, despite strong winds, so I could get a photo with Gigi the giraffe. You’re welcome.

For lunch today we had reservations at Izumi, and we enjoyed ourselves.  Charlie had warm sake, but I opted for the Japanese Strawberry cocktail, made with sake. Probably very Americanized, but tasty!

We both had the shrimp firecracker spring rolls to start.

I had the champagne lobster roll, as well as chicken teriyaki, both very good. 

The sea has remained calm, so we’ve been lucky so far.  I’m still taking a nightly Bonine just to be sure.  No other adventures to report!


  1. Wow Gigi is a lot bigger than I thought!

    1. 32 feet tall! Here’s a link to her installation: https://www.royalcaribbeanpresscenter.com/video/550/meet-gigi-the-giraffe-on-anthem-of-the-seas/

  2. The map is helpful as I didn't have a good sense of where you were going! Very cool!

  3. Wow Gigi is huge


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