
For those of you who—like us—had never heard of Lanzarote, it’s the eastern-most of the Canary Islands, just 80 miles from the coast of Africa.  Like the other Canaries, it was created by volcanoes, but this one is much less developed and frankly not very appealing from the ship!  I took this photo at lunch to prove that despite being in the middle of nowhere, Lanzarote has an IKEA.

Here’s a photo of the other end of the island, so you can see the sameness of the buildings.

There were a few excursions today, but they either involved bus trips around the area or hours at a beach on the other side of the island. We’re enjoying a quiet day on the ship.

Here’s where we are now, on our cruise map.  We’ll head north after this, on our way to Lisbon. Tomorrow is a sea day, and we’ll get to Lisbon on Tuesday. 


  1. So cool that you’re so close to Africa!


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