Lots of Walking (and Eating) in Barcelona

After yesterday’s late and epic lunch, neither of us wanted another bite the rest of the day.  I’m not sure WHEN we last skipped supper! But we did observe Happy Hour, of course.

This morning we had the hotel’s lovely breakfast again, and shortly afterwards we headed out walking. We went back to Uniqlo and each bought thin merino sweaters, as it looks like it will be chilly in Southampton and on the first two sea days next week. I also found Sydney something cute in a different store.

For lunch, Charlie found a place with good reviews on Trip Advisor. Google Maps claimed it was a 19-minute walk, which sounded doable, though it also warned,”Gently uphill.” The street our hotel is on was mobbed with tourists and locals, including three big groups of children, apparently on field trips. We walked steadily, until Charlie realized we were off-track. Sigh. So we doubled back and went down a sketchy-looking alley to the spot Google Maps claimed the restaurant was. Nope! We walked a bit down the adjacent street in both directions and finally found it on the next parallel street.  Here’s the front from the street.

The restaurant serves traditional Catalan dishes and has been run by the same family for 35 years.  The interior is small, and we took the next to last table in a back room (where unfortunately the AC wasn’t working).  Some cold water and a glass of cava helped cool us off.  The servers were friendly and patiently translated the hand-written menu of the day for us.

For lunch, they have a three-course menu for €15.50.  For the first course I chose gazpacho, which was really delicious!

Charlie opted for the fideo, a seafood pasta.

For the main dish, I chose stewed pork with fried potatoes, and Charlie had roasted fish in a good sauce. Neither was especially photogenic, but both were delicious! For dessert we both chose almond cake, which came with a tiny glass of sweet wine to pour over the cake.  Different and tasty!  The walk back to the hotel didn’t take as long (and was downhill!), thank goodness.  I had 10,300 steps by that point. I’ve already announced that dinner tonight will be nearby!  That’s it for today!


  1. I'm so glad to hear that you did not neglect to observe happy hour! LOL about your walking adventure.

  2. It would have been culturally inappropriate to skip happy hour, so thank you for carrying on the diplomatic efforts during your mission overseas.

  3. Are you having to speak spanish much?

  4. No, everyone speaks English! Also, in Barcelona the official language is Catalan!


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