Ehrenbreitstein Fortress and the Middle Rhine

Sunday was a full day, with a morning excursion to Ehrenbreitstein Fortress, then a narrated tour on the ship as we passed many castles in the middle Rhine region. Our ship docked at Koblenz briefly en route to Rudeshein for various excursions.  Our group filled one bus, and we rode about 30 minutes up a steep hill to the fortress. 

The fortress is huge and well-fortified. Here’s an aerial view (thanks, Wikipedia). 

It was built between 1817 and 1828 by Prussia to guard an area repeatedly attacked by the French.  The fortress was so imposing that it was never attacked. An actor in period costume conducted the tour for us, and he was entertaining and informative.   

Our tour included a gondola ride down from the fortress and across the river to our ship! Very fun!

After lunch on the ship, most people went to the top deck to view the castles of the Middle Rhine while our program director narrated. I’ll just post a few of the castles here. The weather was perfect!

That evening we docked in Rudesheim for a few hours, so we walked past a park filled with people enjoying a Sunday afternoon.  Charlie and I didn’t go far, but the Kimbros found a place for dinner and the boys watched another football match.  Eleanor is always charmed by ducks!

And that was our Sunday!


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