Two More Days in Amsterdam

On Tuesday, we all had a great lunch at LuminAir, atop the nearby Doubletree hotel, with wonderful views. I had the best (and prettiest, decorated with edible flowers!) tuna melt. Then we rode a tram to the area around the Anne Frank House for our tour.  

They regulate the number of visitors per hour, but it was very crowded and claustrophobic at times. There were at least three very narrow and steep stairways up to the floor where the Frank family and a few others were hidden for over two years.  I marveled at the 89-year old who mounted the stairs just ahead of me! 

The tour was very moving, of course. Visitors get guided audio tours in the language of their choice that explain each part of the house along with excerpts from Anne’s diary.  Imagining the length of time they were hidden in four small rooms, unable to make any noise when the warehouse below was operating, really drove home their experience. Mercifully, there were modern staircases to return to street level.

That evening, Charlie and I Ubered (with no trouble!) to meet the Kimbros at d’Vijff Vlieghen (The Five Flies) for dinner. They offer four or five course meals, with wine pairings.  The dishes were complex and not described in writing, so I’ll do my best from the photos!

Kohlrabi with carrot purée 

Seafood bisque 

Roast lamb with peas and potatoes 

Tarragon ice cream with blueberry mousse 

On Wednesday, we took the subway to the Rijksmuseum for a 9:00 entry.  The building is gorgeous, as was the hydrangea lined walk along the canal opposite the museum.

Rachel was prepared and led us to the area with the most famous paintings by the Dutch masters before it became crowded. We began at Night Watch, a huge painting by Rembrandt, which is being restored on site.  We saw many other works by Vermeer and Van Gogh, and a few others I’d heard of. I didn’t take photos of any paintings, but Rachel supplied this one of the library. 

We finished our tour in the gardens, which were open to the public and clearly a popular spot to sit and read or just enjoy the fountains and plantings. The mock orange was in full bloom, with a heavenly scent!  I loved the orderly box hedges surrounding cottage gardens of bright blooms!

Many of us napped in the afternoon before meeting for dinner at yet another fabulous restaurant that Rachel had researched, De Kas. Their philosophy is, “Harvested in the morning, on your plate in the afternoon.” The restaurant is in the middle of a park, and it grows what it serves both onsite and in a nearby larger garden.  They serve five- or six-course meals, and each is a surprise.  We tried a few different cocktails, including a very green one involving basil and vodka. I had a lavender gin and tonic. The following photos show each course.



Cold hazelnut soup with strawberries 

Beets with cherries (amazing!)

Chicken liver and mushrooms on brioche

Chicken breast over chicken roulade

Lemon balm ice cream with raspberries over butter cake

It was quite an experience!  Highly recommended!

Today we will board the Hervor, our ship for the cruise on the Rhine.  It will be quite different from an ocean cruise! Stay tuned!


  1. I want to go to Amsterdam just for the food, even if I have to cash in my 401k! Wow!

  2. This all looks phenomenal!


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